Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Packing wool.........Crap!

So….. when I go to go home, it is a well a bit of a mess, I mean I remember, that i came down here with stuff but I thoguth I was going to spin wool, give away gifts, I bought clothes to go be a gifts, foods, blankets...Honey

The table,( gifts, food, knitting needles)

The futon…..(wool, clothes for my sunken trip to Puerto Rico)

That isn’t even my clothes or wheel, I think I will be shipping stuff.

I also gave mom 8.7 Once of BFL, 4 ounces of clean little bundled locks of CVM, and 4.4 ounces of green silk merino roving. When I asked he how much CVM she wanted she said you know what ever you want to give me, and I looked her and asked what is this a drug deal?

There will be lots of packing cramming and hopefully no shouting while I pack.

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