Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The weekend and Knitted tagging at HSU...Knitta

Well Halloween I had mulled wine and candy I passed out.

Anna came over

The next morning I went to the Alibi and the plaza was trashed. I also got a waffle and chicken fried steak ( you know I put them on each other).

Here is a view of the bay from near the art building.

Then here is some knitting this is from well you know knitted tagging, known as knitta . There are more near the art building.

I have a test on Thursday in life drawing on muscles...

Then the other day despite having a ton of apples. I bought some from me neighbors. they were 10 for 1$. I got them to add to my applesauce.

The one on the left is a Golden Delicious the one on the right is  a Red Rome.

I also picked more apples

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