Thursday, October 16, 2008

It can only get worse when.

You know the day is going to be bad when…. There is a dog barking for two hours, which might be ok had he not did it the day before. You go downstairs to the garage where you keep your frozen foods, you see said dog, who is know to not be friendly, you keep one eye on him and try to get the cranberries out of the freezer for your apple cinnamon pancakes and you can see him but you continue any way,.. You think you have reached the bad part of your day it gets better when talking to one of your teachers he thinks it might be a good idea if you drop the course even thought you really like the course. Your torn because you want to learn but now feel like maybe you should…

IT gets even worse when you decide to go grocery shopping because you haven’t gone all month and there is no more food, and individual creamers are starting to sound like dinner.So your almost half way through shopping you trip and you take off your handspun, handkinit, seems like lacey baby alpaca fingerless mittens, you shove them in the pocket of your hoodie.

You bag your groceries and load your car, you get in your car to look at your receipt. Your driving away you go to put on your fingerless mittens, oh there is only one!

Yeah apparently I you know… did something bad to incur the rath of bad karma. Which I can usually cope with just not when it is you know hand spun hand knit lacey alpaca that I wear on my hands

So hopefully the lone glove is really somewhere in ym car, or some kind person at the store finds it and turns it in and the peopel actually ready my note I left. If not it is giving me jsut antoehr reason to be pissy.

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