Monday, April 6, 2009

What kind of day Constitutes Wine and Guacomole?


My night is ending up with having a glass of Riesling with Guacamole. Odd I know but it goes. What prompted this day you might ask?

Well it started with trying to register for classes in the fall with the new system which sucks… I also met the pre recs but because art isn’t my first major the system was all screwy.

Then I decided to go do some yard work. Where I met a jumping spider. More like Almost placed my hand on this damn beast…

I am finding out the house has a lot of different types of Spiders. Which while I love all natures animals, I don’t love some creepy ass spider crawling up me, or biting me, or letting me ingest it while I am sleeping.

So I have been comitting the act of murder upon these wee beasties for a bit. But I was too scared to kill this one and it was pretty. Pretty damn big.

Then Bact the love of my life. No matter how hard I try in this class I fail, fail miserably….. Day isn’t over yet….

Spent most of the day on the phone with mom trying to find out where the hell things were, killing more spiders..

Then I decided to mix up some dyes.. lets say something bad happened. Correlated with a startling revelation about an ex… This is how I have an open bottle of Riesling and two avocados worth of Guacamoles for myself. Boo ya day. I have to now go draw an egg…wish me luck.

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