Friday, April 17, 2009

House stuff

Well I am pissy, I can’t find my Tripod which I remember taking from my car but mom doesn’t remember seeing.. Such is the life when your mom helps you unpack.

So… I also only had hummus for dinner ( cause I am poor, and despite being a rising star of tomorrow, no one seems to want to hire me, not even to work at yarn stores) followed by a Chocolate covered Twinkie that Katie sent me.

The other day I turned the light on as I walked in the door and the lights went out. So I had to replace the light bulbs you can imagine my surprise to find out that there was 5 light bulbs in the thing, I put in 2 but the cover won’t fit, so it will have to wait until I get regular bulbs rather than energy efficient ones.

Then I went around the house and took some pictures of plants.

This is salad mix lilac Hopefully

Katie sent me some alpaca and Chocolate covered Twinkies.

As if one box wasn’t enough in one day I got another from my dad

With three books on painting chickens and one about build it better yourself, with of course a chicken Coop.

The neighbors branches that I need to cut back….

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