Sunday, April 13, 2008

First Farmers Market

Hmm lets see last night I went to Handmade memories for the Midnight Madness Knitting. Well I brought the head band thingy “calorimetry” to work on. This went ok ( I really should have been studying BT).

Then this morning ( oH did I mention two days in a row of 60 something weather which is really rare in Humboldt, which I am sure we will be punished soon for). I went to the first of the year. Huckleberry Flint played. It ( the market) seemed to be ok, despite some crazy’s.
There were Mushrooms and plants of all kinds, a few Kiwi who knew. Hmm honey and of course soap ( goats milk), Eggs but those sold out quick. Hats from Sherri and the bunny lady. Some veggies not a lot lots of flowers. Bread from Brio and of course Los bagels with their Challah.

Mushrooms Kiwi

Weird hangy plants that eat bugs Nice Flowers

HONEY Great Goats milk soap ( She needs a web page)

More Cute soap! Los Bagels- Challah

Bread from Brio

I had dyed some Bamboo merino and BFL, last night before I went to knit. It was the last of the dyes from before Xmas and a lot of the water had evaporated. HMMMM that is all I can really say is hmmm.

I also ended the day with Hanging out with Velma and some of the Crew from Hurl and Purl. It was a nice day and very nice company!

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