Saturday, July 5, 2008

Yarn and lost house

After the fiasco getting cake, we woke up Sunday morning with some of it gone. HMM. On Sunday we went and had Chinese food. It was good but an odd thing about Chinese food in Peru is that you get a pisco sour with your food.

It was pretty good food. Until we started talking about me having bad dreams and that it might be a good idea for me to see the card reader friend .The skeptic in me laughed but the part of me that wakes up every morning at 3am was curious.

So we went shopping and bought food. Then we went to the movies and saw a funny movie

It was funny because it was in Ohio and the people were crazy. Katie had to explain not everyone is like that.

We then came home to find out a lot of our cake was missing.

My mom was going to buy this perfect house in Arcata that was perfect it was new, had a place for me to dye, it was beautifully landscaped, it has land for animals it is very new and pretty cheap for being in Arcata.

Well the day before the inspection shell pulled out. This pissed me off because this trip in PERU hasn’t been as good as everyone said it would be and it gave me some light of hope when I got home. Now I have to go back and live in my crappy one room apartment . I have gotten a better shower here and so am very annoyed.

I also went to the card reader who told me I had a spirit and that is why I have had bad dreams for 10 years I am not sure if I believe that or if I do if I would want to get rid of my spirit. SO all in all not such good times at all here in Peru.

We got to dye yesterday but it was after having to knit the sampler. The extra yarn I had that I was going to use to make a different smaller sampler had gone missing.We also got to dye more yarn but haven't gotten any yarn.

Not this best thing right now.

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