Sunday, December 28, 2008

Shopping and sick day

So on Friday we went shopping to get me some new headphones I also got a churro with dulce de leeche

We then went and had Bunuelos they call them this here but I think they are really Picarones? See they only make them with pumpkin in lima. SOOO...
I had 8 I think this contributed to be being sick on Saturday
Everyone thinks it was the panettone and won't let me have more but Al is sick and he didn't have panettone.
Al and I also got in an argument. He thinks tea isnt' tea if you put milk in it. He also meant this for peru tea which is a black tea and you add anise, cinnamon and Cloves too. Well I drink milk in tea. So does half of england I am sure.

Maracuya Cake that I didn't get to have unitl last night

Day spent in bed while it rained

Some soup that Al's mom brought me:

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