Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Embroidery day 4- Fiber Arts Seminar

Well today we started Embroidery and well it wasn’t quite as bad as I thought.

We learned the back stitch, stem stitch, buttonhole, chain, French knot , satin, and long and short.

My knowledge of embroidery had included the one I worked on for my nieces birth quilt ( it was a chicken).

Dr. Leslie showed us some great examples, and books. Crazy quilt stitches,

Floral stitches

Embroider garden.

We also watched three videos one was really great,

Philippa Turnbull's "An introduction to Crewel Embroidery”, .

Needle Arts by Shay Pendray,

Embroidery-Legacy of needle arts

Pippa had also made a hat, in like two day in addition to our homework.


This is Katie she is going to, Knit one Needlepoint Two

This was us last night , we watched Elizabeth II, where we had to explain some history.

Yes, and by some total freak accident. I dropped my computer and broke it , good news they can fix it bad news this is the second time in not even a week of being here that something has befell my computer. Hmm. I just found out that the YARN HARLOT! is going to be at TNNA Pippa and I are hoping we get to meet her as we are pretty big fans. hint hint Sherry :)


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