Saturday, June 14, 2008

TNNA PiPN interns in Columbus!

Warning this post has pictures of food in it.

So after we did our presentations on our boards, we left to go to Columbus. In Columbus was the TNNA yearly trade show.The car ride was long and I was kind of sick. But once we stopped and check in the hotel, Where one of the professors gave me my box from mom, which had jeans, silkworm cocoons, mohair locks, dyed roving, alpaca roving, Oh yeah my passport, as well as a few snaps of my niece, and other useful things. YAY MOM! Also a package from a friend with movies YAY friend!

This picture is roving of Silk Cashmere, wool, and mohair locks These are dyed and undyed cocoons.

We then went to the Convention Center. Where we saw the yarn gally way. There were a lot of really cool yarns. We then waited to go into the galleria, where we saw a bunch of really cool art and met a lady who did nifty designs.

After that it was on to the Fashion Show which I hadn’t seen in January at Long Beach. a had a great dress in there called gypsy lips. Some of the other great designs were by MagnKnit, Blue sky Alpacas, Cherry Tree Hill, Himalaya, Trendsetter yarns. I would tell you the names of the outfits but us weee people can’t even get them yet so that would be pointless. After this even was the first spotting of the YARN HARLOT! Both Pippa and I failed at out attempts to meet her. Then we met Jess from Ravelry. Oh and Shay Pendray at the fashion show, who I really like.

We all went out to dinner, Katie and I meet Miguel and Lisa who will be hosting us on our internship. We had great food at a Asian infusion restaurant called Lemongrass, and discussed the finer points of the internship. It is going to be great.

The next morning Pippa and I had a breakfast that gave us the chance to talk with a lot of TNNA people. At the Convention, I had the opportunity to spin on the new Schacht Lady BUG! As Well as meet with

and Jan Van Stralen, where we talked about the Louet Victoria.

I really enjoyed seeing all the yarn companies and seeing full range of products that you usually don’t have the change to see in a regular shop. As well as needlepoint from Alice Peterson. ( I think if this you contact me so I can correct this). Which was extremely nice and greatly appreciated. Until I took this course with PiPn in the Fiber Seminar, I didn’t really know about needle arts and a have come to appreciate each one and execute them, in an acceptable manor. Thanks it meant a lot to all of us!

We then had lunch at the North town market, where for the first time ( with the exception of the dinner the previous night) Pippa and I were able to find food we were use to eating, like lime honey salmon, and I got a Napoleon egg plant with shitake mushrooms, summer squash and ricotta cheese, and a pancetta wrapped asparagus. It was super good and rejuvenate us.

We then saw the Yarn Harlot at the Book signing but still didn’t get to meet her. We also saw Shelli from Knitterly, it was nice to see someone from Northern California, as were then Unicorn people. ( smiles and waves)I HAD to see the Possum people, as well as the fur people. I never made it back to cover an extensive coverage of the new Lady Bug Spinning Wheel but ah.

Before we came home we went back to Northtown market and I got nine chocolates (do not ask how much they were from Pure Imagination).And possibly the best ice cream (jeni's Ice Cream) I have ever had ( I have had a lot of unique kinds). I had pistachio honey, pear Riesling, and a goat cheese with cherry compote. It was so good I went back for seconds five minutes before they closed.So yest my total Ice cream count for the day was 6 scoops.Pippa took this when I was into the ice cream, I didn't know.

We trouped home, and then well we contemplated our bags but mainly went to bed.

I felt that by going to the convention (even thought I have been before), if gave the group of us the feeling of how big this industry is and the range of opportunities. That we had a great chance to speak with professionals in the business (when they weren’t busy of course). I loved the wall of yarn and would love to post pictures of it but I am not so sure that is right -:)

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