Friday, June 27, 2008

Tapeworms, food, Pisco Sours........


First off if you read this before Sat evening check back I have more pictures but Kaite is sleeping and so I can’t get them off her camera till she wakes up

Two Spanglish misunderstandings: tapeworm, peanut butter

Great phrases we learned: how do you say, What would you like?

We went to work, Where we mixed up dyes. We had a misunderstanding when using altavista, and the young man, translated something that was suppose to be half, and came out tape worm, when we back translated we all started laughing.

We then had lunch out because the cooks daughter is having a baby. Both Katie and I had fried chicken ( not U.S. Style) it was delicious, we also had , chica morada, and soda ( I can’t find what this is online), but is like a fizzy fruit juice.

We the had ice cream which straight translate sounded like frosted cheese (queso del helado) .

Here is a picture of Katie eating our Ice Cream.

We then went back to work where we had to continue to use altavista translation.

When we got home, we had someone prepare us a real Pisco Sour, they are tasty, but unfortunately for me there is real lemon juice in them and I am paying for that today.

We then went out to see downtown Arequipa, where we got more chocolates from the famous Iberia ( yes there were Chocolate Alpacas), looked at alpacas stores, looked at the wonderful Cathedral which is really beautiful.

We were also warned about our cameras, and they said people would walk up and just take them, so would should wear them diagonally, I said we looked like tourist and Katie said blonde hair equals tourist around here.

We then went and had hot spiced mulled wine, with oranges ( in case any of you don’t know I am allergic to citrus, but usually try to gauge the risk). A really great wood toved cooked pizza with a white sauce and red pepper sauce that are good when
mixed together.

We really are having lots of fun with food and stuff and of course dyeing and the culture of the people is wonderful too. More to follow on this post check back later today.

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